Category: Future & Options

  • Options Explained: Meaning, Types, Features, and How They Work?

    Options Explained: Meaning, Types, Features, and How They Work?

    Option trading is a flexible financial instrument that allows investors to buy or sell assets at a predetermined price on or before a specific date. In India, options have become popular in the derivatives market, providing ways for traders to hedge risk, speculate, or leverage investments. Let’s explore what options are, along with their features,…

  • Advanced Hedging Techniques with Futures and Options

    Advanced Hedging Techniques with Futures and Options

    Hedging involves buying or selling futures contracts to protect against losses caused by price changes in the cash market. Think of it as an insurance policy. Given the volatility of the financial market, hedging with futures and options plays a crucial role that cannot be overlooked. In fact, the global volume of futures and options…

  • Mistakes Traders Commit While Trading Futures Options

    Mistakes Traders Commit While Trading Futures Options

    Making mistakes is an inherent part of the learning process in both trading and investing. While investors typically focus on holding assets like stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other securities for longer periods, traders often engage in buying and selling futures and options, holding these positions for shorter durations with more frequent transactions. In Indian…

  • 10 Popular Option Trading Strategies For Smarter Trades

    10 Popular Option Trading Strategies For Smarter Trades

    Option trading helps traders manage risks and boost profits by giving them the right to buy or sell stocks at a fixed price within a set time. While it may seem tricky at first, using the right strategies makes it easier to handle market changes. With proper planning and focus, traders can reduce risks and…

  • Introduction to Options Trading: A Beginners Guide

    Introduction to Options Trading: A Beginners Guide

    Everyone like to have options so that they can choose as per their wish. This is what options trading gives you, the option to choose. In the stock market, or to be specific derivatives market, options are like the ruler, with all the power and no obligations. However, for beginners, option trading may seem a…