The investors vary in market fluctuations and seeking fixed returns are best suited to invest in fixed-income securities. The Indian government along with corporates have been supportive enough to create multiple options of such characteristics to fulfill the required needs.
The below-mentioned products are the top 9 investment options available in India for a stronger and safer investment portfolio.
1. Public Provident Fund: The fund is backed by Government which provides a competitive interest rate. The interest rates, principal amount, and maturity are all exempt from taxes making them very popular among investors.
2. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana: This is one of the fantastic investment tools that enhance financial inclusions. With the deposit amount as low as Rs. 250, it provides attractive interest rates for the girl child.
3. Senior Citizen Saving Scheme: The older group can invest for a period of 5 years and enjoy a regular flow of income with interest.
4. Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana: This is a pension plan sort of investment that gives a guaranteed return of 8%p.a for 10 years.
5. Debt Mutual Funds: The mutual funds that invest in the debts of organizations like Government securities, corporate bonds, commercial paper, treasury bills, etc.
6. Bank Fixed Deposits: One of the oldest and safest methods to yield a specific rate of return is through bank FDs. However, currently, the rate of return has dropped significantly making this less attractive.
7. National Saving Certificates: These are 5-year post office saving scheme that offers 6.8% p.a currently. The interest for the first 4 years is reinvested while that of 5th year is taxable.
8. RBI taxable bonds: These are government-backed bonds that are providing 7.75% p.a currently for a duration of 7 years.
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